Labour Ward


Labour Ward

Labour Ward

We know that the most stressful part of pregnancy is the delivery itself. Our nursing staff is specially trained and our state-of-the-art Delivery Suite on the third floor is specially designed to maximise comfort and care for expectant mothers and their babies.

First-Stage Rooms

On admission to hospital, the resident doctor on call examines the expectant mother and reports to the consultant concerned. The patient is then taken to the pre-delivery area, where she waits to achieve ‘full dilatation’. This section includes private and general (economic) first-stage rooms equipped with foetus monitors and portable ultrasound equipment. Labour Ward

Only one relative (preferably the husband) is allowed in with the patient, during which time she may take anything from 1 hour to 18 hours, depending on when she first reports to the hospital and the speed with which labour progresses.

We encourage only one adult to be present with the patient during labour. Since this could be prolonged, we suggest that relatives take turns to avoid fatigue. We encourage the expectant mother to ambulate (walk) during labour. This is achieved in a large corridor in the pre-delivery area.

Expectant mothers are also advised to attend our Birthing Class so that they know what to expect during labour. They also receive advice on pain-relief measures.

Labour Rooms

The Delivery Suite or Labour Rooms are located to the left of the corridor inside the Labour Ward. This is a restricted area and besides the staff, only a relative authorised by the Nursing Superintendent is allowed inside. On occasion, permission may be denied, depending on the conditions prevailing inside the Delivery Suite at the time.

The suite includes 2 labour cots (or tables) and is well equipped to monitor the expectant mother and her infant during delivery and immediately thereafter. We are fully equipped to perform instrumental (forceps and vacuum) deliveries as well.

Operation Theatres

The Labour Ward has a 24-hour Operation Theatre and an Emergency OT are adjacent to the Delivery Suite and are used in case of ‘unnatural’ births such as a Caesarian Section or when the mother or baby is in distress.

Our OTs are also equipped for other gynaecological surgeries, especially endoscopies (laparoscopies and hysteroscopies) and surgery for gynaecological malignancies.


Our state-of-the-art Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is one of the finest in Mumbai and is located at the end of the corridor in the Labour Ward. ‘Inborn’ babies (babies born in our hospital) thus have the advantage of zero-delay in receiving intensive care, if required.

Neonates in need of intensive care may include pre-term infants, babies of diabetic and hypertensive mothers and babies with congenital diseases and conditions. Our NICU is fully equipped for all types of surgical procedures for neonates. Infants with congenital heart and other cardiac problems are operated on at the Holy Family Heart Institute.

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