

Frozen Section

Frozen Section

"I wish you pathologists could tell us if a tissue is cancer or not while the patient is on the tableā€ Dr. William Mayo, a surgeon, told Dr. Louis Wilson in 1905 at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. And his wish came true with the invention of frozen section reporting. Frozen section provides intra-operative diagnosis to facilitate and enable the surgeon to decide how he can plot the extent of resection while patient is still on the operation table. So, to serve our patients and to help the surgeons for intra-operative decision making we have started our frozen section reporting. Here, a part of tissue is frozen to the temperature of -15 to -24 degree Celsius. This hardens the tissue and a thin section can be cut and taken on a glass slide. Then staining is done and tissues can be examined under microscope. All this procedure is done within time span of 30-40 minutes when the patient is still on the operation table. This needs both expertise and experience. The indications for frozen section are for primary diagnosis, to confirm the adequacy of sample, to determine the metastatic deposit, for assessment of margin and lymph node status. Like every test, this has its limitation too. Its adequacy in experienced hands is around 92-95%. Fatty tissues are difficult to cut and report so are best avoided. We have the brand new Leica CM1520 model to help us accomplish the task with all the consumables from the best possible companies.

The appointment for Frozen Section is to be made at least 2 days prior to the date of surgery. The tissues will be accepted from 8:00 AM-01.30 PM from Monday to Saturday. Tissues for Frozen section reporting from outside nearby hospitals will also be accepted.

For appointments please contact: 022 6267 0309

Frozen Section
Frozen Section
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