



This is an important arm of the Research Centre. The CME Programme constitutes a valuable asset of the Research Society. It provides an opportunity for teaching and awareness to post-graduate students, the hospital’s consultants, nursing and paramedical personnel and neighboring general practitioners / consultants who serve the catchment area of the Holy Family Hospital, Mumbai.

The CME programme covers a wide spectrum of topics including updates on current advances in various areas of medicine and surgery. It showcases the results of the clinical research conducted by the Research Society and also covers academic and technical advances in therapy and diagnostics in all branches of medicine.

The topics are presented in seminars, symposia, workshops by various departments or consultants of the hospital or invitee speakers of repute in their fields of work.

When & Where

The CME programmes are conducted in the hospital premises on the 6th floor in the Morello Grande. They are usually held on the last Saturday of the month from 1 pm to 2 pm. For details of upcoming programmes, Click here.

Prior registration is required and charges are Rs.200. You may also inquire about our upcoming programmes and register by calling: Tel No: 022-626710379 / 022- 626710385.

Participants are requested to fill in a participant feedback survey. Click here to download the form.

DNB Grand Rounds

Twelve Grande Rounds were held in 2011. Grand Rounds are a Review of Topics with Case presentations. The Grand Rounds are conducted for DNB students and their teachers in Medicine, Surgery, ObGynae, Paediatrics, Anaesthesia and Cardiology.